Defensive Driving Courses

It is a known fact Defensive Driver Courses saves lives.
Motor vehicle collisions are the leading cause of death in the workplace.

Be a Safe Driver

Becoming a safe driver can save lives. It is statistically proven that drivers whom take a defensive driving course have less accidents or moving violations.

This course is often taken to qualify for additional insurance discounts. Even if a Defensive Driver insurance discount program is not yet available in your State to provide you with insurance discount benefits, you can still take the course and improve your driving skills. The course is also called Mature Driver Course, Senior Driver Course, Safe Driver Discount, among other names.

The certificate of completion for all Defensive Driving Couse is free to download once you finish the requirements, and there are no hidden fees. Everything can be done from the comfort of your home. Taking our online driving education is one of the most affordable and convenient ways to become a defensive driver.

Aside of each State specific requirement - which you can learn by selecing the desired State - here is what our Defensive Driver Courses include:

  • General principles:
    • Controlling your speed.
    • Looking ahead and expecting the unexpected.
    • Being alert and distraction free.
  • Regarding other participants in traffic:
    • Preparedness for all sorts of actions and reactions of other drivers and pedestrians.
    • Not expecting the other drivers to do what you would ordinarily do.
    • Watching and respecting other drivers.
  • Regarding your own vehicle:
    • Maintaining a safe following distance.
    • Driving safely considering (adjusting for) weather and/or road conditions.
    • Adjusting your speed before entering a bend, in order to avoid applying the brakes in the middle of a bend.

Our courses utilize visual tools to enhance understanding of explanations. Each State does have its own minimum time requirements all licensed courses must comply. However, you can complete our course at your own pace, simply login in and out as often as you'd like. Our proprietary system keeps track of all time spent while participating the course.

Average driver can receive discounts between 10% and 15% for up to 3 years. And you can renew the course with us, extending your discount for equal periods. Your insurance company can provide you details of exact discounts offered after you complete a defensive driver course.

Our courses are compatible with computers, phones and tablets. The technical requirements for Internet and computer speed are minimum to assure you have a pleasant experience. And our customer support is readly available by phone 888-237-5669 should you have any questions.